Thursday, 17 January 2013


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
         Conventions of a typical hip-hop music video have been used  in our own video, but we chose to challenge it. Research into other music videos such as Lil Wayne's song 'Lollipop' showed female figures dancing in a provocative way, however we wanted to challenge this.We did this by keeping the dancing side to hip hop videos but chose to show a different style of dance which is a combination of ballett/contemporary). The song 'lesson 6' doesn't actually have its own music video so it allowed us to come up with our own ideas completely without the influence of a current video. We chose to use Joe as our main character and put him in a suit, influenced by the hip hop artist Chris Brown, who wore a suit in his video 'Turn up the music'. Some audience could say he had a  typical gangster image, which is often a feature of a hip hop film. Joe keeps showing off his smile which shows him in a cheeky way, and combined with his classy dress sense, we thought that this could appeal very much to a female audience. One thing that was featured in many videos that we researched it showed men smoking, often cigars. We thought that this would work really well with Joe's 'gangster' look, however we were filming indoors and on school premises this wouldn't work. Instead, we chose to use an empty alcohol bottle as alcohol is also featured alot in rnb music videos, however in other videos drinking alcohol is often seen in nightclubs, which we obviously weren't in. We had the idea of setting our music video in one room was inspired by the video to Drakes song 'Take Care'. We felt that he challenged the conventions of normal rnb videos as there are normally a variety of shots in different locations, sp we decided to follow this idea too, We were able to get high quality images for our digipak by editing the images on photoshop to make sure that the images looked as similar to real digipaks as possible, making sure the images weren't blurred or of a low quality. We wanted to make sure that our digipak stood out, so we used clear bold fonts and the strong images of the characters eyes as we felt they would catch peoples attention.   

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 

 We used the sepia tone on the faces on our digipak and in parts of our film so that our ancillary and main product have a link.We linked our poster to our digipak by using 3 different pictures of a different facial feature of the main characters - On  the digipak we had their eyes and on the poster we had the characters mouths. This showed that we had successfully linked our video and ancillary texts because there are frequent shots within the video of the characters lips and eyes. We researched into other digipaks done by Jurassic 5 and wanted to follow the same text that they used, using the same on our poster as well. The writing we chose to use is called 'Carlton' and is almost identical to the one used on Jurassic 5's own album cover to their album 'Quality Control', We felt that this would be really good because we wanted to make sure we kept some elements of our products the same as originalAll of the images on our digipak and poster are all direct screen , shots from the video itself but are all cropped in a way that makes them appear different, giving all 3 products a direct link. The text that Jurassic 5 used on all of their work was big and bold in capitals so we downloaded a font that fitted these conventions  The location of our movie was in one room that was completely black with just a spotlight, therefore we chose to keep the colour scheme dark for the video, poster and the digipak, that is why we chose to keep our digipak and poster black and white. We used the same characters on our digipak that were in our music video as this provided a clear link between the two tasks. We decided to use the same characters because an audience would be able to familiarize themselves with the characters which would make our video more memorabe. Also this helps our video, digipak and poster work in synergy, meaning an audience would be able to associate the 3 products together helping us to promote it. Overall I feel that the direct screen shots and the similar colour schemes were visually effective and appeared intriguing to our audience, and feedback from people who have seen all three products have said that they would immediatley be able to tell that our  poster and digipak were made for our music video specifically. 
What have you learned from your audience feedback?
(This will be added following the showcase.)
What elements of our music video appeal to our audience?
What did elements did you enjoy from our music video?
Hw well do you think our product was coordinated with our ancillary task?
How authentic did you think our music video was? Could you imagine seeing it on a music channel?

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages? 
Research - The use of the internet was a vital part in making out music video, vevo and eyoutube were the main websites used to view a wide range of music videos and to help us choose our genre. Other personal music websites such as helped us to learn more about our chosen artist, Jurassic 5.We were able to view alot of their videos and even their own personal interests that potentially gave use ideas for our video. Music websites that showed music videos but also told us information about particular artists such as \www.kissfmuk'' allowed us to research into other hip hop videos that we can take ideas from. Blogspot was another website we used to record all of our research and planning, allowing us to record each tiny detail of our planning meaning we wouldnt forget anything. We used Imovie to create and edit our movie, allowing us to differentiate between the neessary and unneccessary bits of footage that we used. We didnt delete any of the unnecessary footage, instead we kept it as we were able to take screen shots of it to put on our poster and digipak. We developed our skills more in imovie from the last time we used it because we used effects such as fade and dissolve, this helped to make the video more interesting as for example, when Frankie was holding the alchohol bottle, we were able to add to the fact that she was drunk by using an effect that distorted the video. Once we had chosen our song we used youtube converter to get it onto imovie which converted it into an mp3 file that we could then be edited using garage band. We were aware that using youtube converter brings up issues of copyright however this was the only way we were ale to get our song on to imovie. Garage band was really useful in our video because we were able to cut alot of our song out, as we physically wouldn't have had time to make a video to the full length of the song. Garage band helped us to make clear cuts in the song with no obvious signs that we had edited the length of it.Before we created our actual music video,we planned what we were going to include by creating a simple version of our video on imovie that used images rather than filmed footage. This made it easy for us to film our real video as we were able to follow the images on here. When planning my evaluation, blogger has been really helpful as other people we able to view my blog and give me feedback on how my evaluation was coming along. 

Thursday, 22 November 2012


Synoptic- Linking all the elements of media together.

Synergy- How one media product sells another.
Intertexual/ Intertextuality- Shaping of one text by another.

·      Your subsidiary tasks need to be as accomplished as your main task; if they aren’t, your mark will come down.
·      You need to make sure that your poster looks as authentic as possible. If you put it alongside another ‘real’ poster, you must not be able to tell the difference.
·      You need to analyse a range of media products and how they relate to one another.
·      It’s therefore crucial that our subsidiary tasks relate to your main task in a logical way that shows you have thought carefully about intertexual elements. (E.g. how they help each other.)
·      Exam- you need to be able to reflect on your production work so it’s important to realise why you’re making the decisions you make now.
·      Make notes on the following points so that you can bear them in mind.

Things we should have on our posters:
1.     Pictures
2.     Artist Name
3.     Title of Song
4.     Where you can buy the song (Variety of places.)
5.     A theme of fonts that go on posters and digi packs
6.     Web links (fictional website for Artist.)
7.     Imagery can be the same for digi pack and poster.

What will the least fussy poster be?
I love the simple chair in the same location, shot.
Looking into the cardboard box?
Characters need to be on the digi pack.
Does the poster need an original photo?
Yes, I need to take a higher resolution picture.

Jurassic 5 album artwork

Tuesday, 2 October 2012


Here is the storyboard that we have created to help us while shooting our music video. Each individual shot includes the camera angle, the time the shot will take, actors needed, props needed, and an image to give a general idea of what the shot will look like.               

Friday, 7 September 2012

Our song Choice - 'Lesson 6 by Jurassic Five'

After discussing with my partner, Beth Hawker, which song choice we should make, we decided we wanted to do something a little bit more unusual than your typical Hip Hop music video, shown through Artists such as Kanye West or Beyonce.
The song we decided to choose is called Lesson 6 by the Hip Hop group Jurassic 5. We researched into other videos by Jurassic 5 but decided they were all to typical for us and we would struggle to find anything challenging. This one really stood out to us because it didn't remind us of any other Hip Hop songs we had seen. The song itself doesn't appear to have an official music video, which to me comes to an advantage as it provides a blank canvas for us to do whatever we want with it without the influence of original ideas. The song itself is very much a science based song, with the majority of speech including names of chemicals, and reminded us of a professor conducting an experiment. We like this idea as we feel we could really play around with it and create a unique video that would give off that shock factor that we were really looking to give.

Our ideas for our own Music Video

Me and partner have decided to base our song around this random box that is found by two girls. The two girls approach the box, shine a torch inside and from then on that is where the madness begins. We don't want the video itself to have a clear meaning at all, we want the audience to be able to give their own impressions of what is happening.

Taking the idea of women dancing, we have decided to use two dancers, Hannah Bryant and Amelia Langdon to inspire this idea, however they are not going to be provocative at all, in fact they are going to appear more spooky, with big scary smiles and crazy make-up to shock the audience. There is going to be a science theme running throughout the video with a professor conducting an experiment, yet we want to keep the hip hop theme going by using DJ Decks and a 'gangster-like' character to create an exciting twist to this random video.

Characters/ Actors
After thinking about which actors would be best for our music video, we have decided on the following people to play the following Roles:

Me and Beth will be the two girls at the beginning of the video to find the box.

        Frankie toft will be used to play --> random characters that make our video complete but are not featured very often.

<--------Hannah Bryant will play one of the dancers.

Joe Paul will be playing the character playing on the DJ decks. ----------->

Mr Roberts will be playing the professor. 

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Audience Research

To find out about the song choice and the target audience for our own Music video, we created a survey using  The following graphs shows the results that we found. 

A graph to show the most popular ages of people who watch music videos. 

 This chart shows the way in which most people watch music videos 

A graph to show the most popular gender of people who watch music videos

This Wordle represents the most popular and least popular genres of music chosen by the people who completed our survey. As you can see, Hip Hop is the most popular here, and  after analysing our questionnaire results we saw that the  people who chose Hiphop as their favourite genre had age ranges from 17 - 41.